Diana Finds Ecstasy in the Big Easy (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10
A moment later, she heard Marcus say, “Hot. Hot as the sun. Hot as a supernova.”
She understood that the brothers were talking to each other, not to her, and that made their comments infinitely more arousing than if they were trying to flatter her to get a more favorable response—though, for the life of her, she couldn’t imagine what a more favorable response from her could be.
She pulled her lips back, and as Marcus withdrew from her mouth, she teased him, letting the sharp edge of her teeth slide along his cock as he pulled away. She heard his quick intake of breath and knew that she had made an impression. When only a portion of the crown of his cock was still between her lips, she sucked on him—more strongly than before—and used her tongue against his tip, which she knew was particularly sensitive. She had the ability to give pleasure or inflict pain, and the awareness of her own power made the pulsing sensation in her clitoris become even stronger.
“Fuck,” Marcus said, the word coming out as a sigh of resignation to Diana’s allure. To his brother, he said, “This is the first but it’s not the last. It’s only the beginning.”
The sentence caused the breath to catch in Diana’s chest. She’d always longed for permanence, for something more than just “today” or “this week,” and suddenly, the deVille brothers were talking about something more than just a one-time fling. Did they really mean it?
Even more importantly, Diana asked herself, could she be in a serious relationship with two men simultaneously? She’d read about such things, but she’d never really considered such behavior a possibility. Not in real life.
A menage a trois life was just a fantasy, right?
The question she asked herself was immediately followed with the awareness that, unless she was spectacularly unaware of her own body, she was going to come again.
She turned her face aside to get the cock out of her mouth then said, for the first time in her life, “Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Come inside me!”
These were not words cavalierly spoken by Diana, nor were they words she hoped to be casually heard or nonchalantly disregarded.
Fortunately for her, William both heard and understood what Diana was saying and took immediate action. These were very serious men.
The powerful thrusts knocked Diana forward. She turned her face aside, allowing her cheek to be pressed against Marcus’s stomach. The sound of Marcus’s pelvis striking the cheeks of her ass as he filled her pussy with his cock was an aphrodisiac to Diana’s senses, nearly as much as the sensation of having his cock sliding back and forth between the lips of her pussy.
When he let out a growling sound as he released his cum deep inside her, Diana came again, unexpectedly, shivering as the waves of pleasure went through her. It wasn’t a cataclysmic climax, not one that made her feel as though she was going to explode—like the earlier climaxes with these men—but it was satisfying in the extreme, and she was thankful for its intensity following orgasms that had been nothing less than volcanic.
Seconds passed. Maybe more than that. Diana couldn’t be sure. She was post-orgasmic, and all her senses were fuzzy, disoriented. All she was absolutely certain of was that William had come inside her and that she had experienced yet another orgasm because of the deVille twins.
In a tone of voice deep confusion, she said, “I don’t do this.” She felt a large, hard penis being withdrawn from her body. “Seriously. I don’t do this.”
“You didn’t,” William said, with strong emphasis on the past tense.
“But now you do,” Marcus added, stressing the present.
“But only with us,” William said. His tone dipped menacingly low. “Only us.”
Diana knelt on the deck of the pontoon boat, folded her arms on the bench seat, and put her head in them. She tried to tell herself this really wasn’t her. Diana wasn’t the type of woman who let herself get seduced by two brothers, no matter how handsome and charming they were. And skip the fact that they were as rich as Midas because wealth had been something she had always been more likely to loathe than like—even though actual wealth had always been something that had eluded her, and she often privately coveted.
After several more seconds, she tilted her head back on her shoulders and looked up at the deVille twins. They were sitting side by side on the bench, bracketing her like bookends. Each man still sported a powerful erection. Each one big and manly and lovely to look at.
“There’s nothing you have to do,” William said, his voice hardly more than a whisper.
“You needn’t feel obligated,” Marcus said. “Not in any way.”
“Just sit there,” Diana said, “and enjoy the sun.” She smiled and curled her knees more comfortably beneath her. “And when you come, please, please, please, make sure that you speak my name.”
I shouldn’t have said that. It shows that I’m insecure.
She pushed her lips over the head of William’s cock, tasting her own juices, distinctly aware of the pleasure—the exquisite ecstasy—that he had just given her.
I don’t deserve men like these.
Damned right I do! was her next thought.
She cast her insecurities aside and embraced her own self-confidence in a way that she never had before.
She took William’s cock to the back of her mouth, tried to push a little more between her lips, then stopped herself. Choking while trying to give a deep-throat blowjob would neither please her nor give her lover any pleasure, she decided.
“Your lips, and everything else about you, are angelic,” William said. “I think I’ve been looking for you my whole life.”
Diana closed her eyes. Did he really mean what he was saying? She wanted to believe so. She ached to believe so. But she wasn’t a naive virgin. She knew that men said things when they were horny that they wouldn’t say when they were thinking in a more logical frame of mind.
“She is beautiful, isn’t she?” Marcus commented. “And in so many ways.”
“Yes,” William replied. “We didn’t see this coming, did we?”
With a slurping sound, Diana brought her lips off William’s cock and then looked up at the brothers. Her mind was in a whirl, her libido in chaos.
“I’ve never before done anything like this,” she said to the brothers. “You two…make me…um…wicked.”
William, who had come so recently, leaned forward and grabbed Diana by the hair. “Then get wicked,” he said, “because I want to look in your eyes when I come in your mouth.” His smile was feral, dictatorial. “You will swallow, won’t you?”
Diana once again closed her eyes for a moment. “Yes,” she said after some hesitation. “For you. Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
Chapter 10
William leaned back in his chair and looked out his office window. A gray, hazy mist had fallen over New Orleans, but that in no way affected his mood. This weather was not uncommon for the Big Easy at this time of year.
Diana was all he could think about.
Nothing else mattered.
Not work. Not deadlines. Not the China deal, which could make the family company millions or maybe billions. Billions was actually more likely, though William didn’t like to be too optimistic. That way you couldn’t be disappointed when the scale didn’t tip your way.
Damn her. Diana’s just a woman.
But what a spectacular woman she is, was his next thought.
He’d had hundreds of women, sexually speaking, but she was the first one to captivate his consciousness quite like this. And she was the first one to make him seriously consider sharing her with his twin brother.
And hadn’t that been a kick? To watch her sucking Marcus’s cock and then swallowing his cum while she stroked his own cock?
These were things that William hadn’t counted on, hadn’t thought of in advance, even though he was a man who prided himself on being able to, as he thought of it, see over the horizon. He could see into the future.
She’s different. Different in
every way.
He closed his eyes and tried his level best to expunge Diana from his thoughts, but it was no good. No matter how hard he tried, all he could think of was Diana and how she’d captivated his heart and soul.
Damn her. I should be furious with her for tying my heart and soul into knots. Damn her to hell.
But he didn’t mean it, and he knew it.
* * * *
You’ve made a mistake, but that doesn’t mean you’ll make it again.
Diana was putting on her makeup, looking at her reflection in the mirror.
Except that nothing in her psyche suggested that she’d made a mistake.
In fact, the afternoon of sexual bliss with Marcus and William had been nothing less than sheer joy.
It had been a kind of ecstasy that Diana had never known before.
Nor had she even dreamed that such feelings and emotions were possible.
Damn. Damn, damn, damn. I didn’t see this one coming.
She looked in the mirror at her own reflection and was glad that the first customers were a trio of businessmen from the Big Easy who wanted only to drink too much too early, catch some fish, and then get driven back home by the taxicab, arriving back home to their wives and families reasonably sober. At least more sober than when they’d left Nouveau Paradis.
No need for makeup because William and Marcus won’t see me.
She closed her eyes and tried to remind herself that the opinions of the deVille twins weren’t of any concern to her, but she knew they were. Infinitely more important than she wanted to admit, either to herself or to anyone else.
She tied her wavy hair into a high ponytail then put most of it beneath the New Orleans Saints duck-billed hat she put on.
Her bra was a sports bra that kept her in place and showed nothing. Over it was a T-shirt advertising a beer she didn’t drink. Despite her dimensions, she wasn’t showing so much as a hint of cleavage.
Her shorts came down to mid-thigh and didn’t show a damned thing.
Her dad was going to be pissed when he saw her, and she didn’t give a damn.
* * * *
Diana stepped onto the dock, and that was when she saw William and Marcus. They were in business suits, clearly not dressed for fishing.
The early-morning customers approached. They were men that Diana had never seen before. Diana felt her heart clench tight when the deVille twins approached the new customers, cutting off their path to the pontoon boat.
“What’s going on?” her father said quietly, clearly wary of losing paying customers.
“Nothing, Daddy. It’s business. Rich folk business, I suppose. It’s got nothing to do with us.” She’d known her entire life that “rich folk business” had nothing to do with her. It never had.
But what was going on between the deVilles and the other customers had everything to do with Diana, and she could feel it in her bones. It was an instinctive feeling, something that was more than the normal five senses could pick up.
She watched as William pulled something—money?—out of his pocket and handed it to one of the men who was scheduled to be aboard the pontoon boat in just minutes. Diana watched as the man frowned then looked at what had been handed to him. Then he smiled broadly.
Whatever he had planned for the day, the money he’d been given was sufficient to make him make some immediate--and profitable-- changes.
Diana had a sinking feeling in her heart. William and Marcus were planning something, and whatever it was, she was certain that it involved her and that she had no vote in what was going to happen. She felt both horribly weak and wickedly, wonderfully, sensually vulnerable to the deVille twins.
And if she’d denied that those sensations made her feel distinctly sexual, she would have been lying to herself. She had no doubts of that whatsoever.
The brothers approached her father as he walked toward them. She watched as William shook hands with her father. There were clearly several folded bills in his palm. When her father unfolded the money, his eyes grew very large. Whatever he’d been given, it was enough to impress the hell out of him, and Diana knew it.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Diana’s father headed for the pub, walking at a pace that suggested something more than casual interest. This was a man with money in his pocket and a thirst that needed quenching—even at this early hour.
Diana felt her heart start to hammer once again in her chest. William and Marcus started to walk toward her. Their collective confidence both irked and aroused Diana.
* * * *
The limousine was a long, black Cadillac, big enough to seat six comfortably. The driver opened the door, and William got in first. Marcus stepped aside and indicated it was Diana’s turn to get in. He got in last, so that Diana sat between him and his brother.
Diana had never been in a limousine before, and she was pleased now that she had worn shorts because she found that the seat was rather low, which caused her knees to be significantly higher than her hips. Had she been wearing a skirt or dress, she would have needed to be concerned with her modesty.
They were just pulling away from her home when both brothers put an arm casually over her shoulders. Had the limousine driver not been just a couple feet away, she would have been completely at ease with being in the arms of the deVille twins—both of them, at the same time.
“This feel like a dream,” Diana said quietly as the Cadillac pulled away from the little bayou village she’d called home her entire life and headed toward one of the most famous—and infamous—cities in all the world. “Under other circumstances, I’d say something about things like this not happening to someone like me, but when I’m with you two, I’m learning that anything’s possible.”
“Especially for the next two and a half days,” William said.
Diana laughed softly. “That’s how long you’re kidnapping me?”
Marcus said, “An ideal word for it.” Marcus gave her shoulder a squeeze. “You’ll be the most pampered hostage in history.”
“I shouldn’t admit this,” Diana whispered, keeping her gaze averted from both men, “but there’s something exciting about being spoken to in that way. At least by you two.”
* * * *
Marcus was so pleased with how things had worked out, he was almost giddy with delight.
Two and a half days. One complete weekend. That’s got to be enough time to convince Diana that she’s the one for us.
Marcus suspected that, even more than William, it was he who needed to keep the connection Diana and his twin brother complete. Girlfriends—whether conscious of it or not—always tried to separate them, to put a distance between them. More importantly, they always seemed to try to put themselves between the twin brothers. They never understood that a bond that had begun in the womb simply couldn’t be severed just because one of the brothers had developed an infatuation with a woman.
But that was what always happened. Invariably.
But Diana seemed different. Different in a thousand ways from all the other women the brothers had known.
Most importantly, she had made it crystal clear that she didn’t want anything from them. From the time that he was thirteen or so, Marcus had understood that women always wanted something from wealthy young men. Sometimes it was just sex and the chance to brag about having bedded a deVille. Marcus realized that bragging about one’s sex life didn’t exactly put a woman in exclusive society. With a twinge of regret, he had the sudden suspicion that he had been frittering away too much of his time with the wrong women. Other women wanted money, plain and simple. Sometimes they wanted it upfront, and whenever the brothers realized that, the women were ushered to the door without a moment’s hesitation. Others demanded their silver after the fact. They were paid—however distasteful it was to pay them, it was still less expensive than risking scandal—and then informed they were banished for life from polite and even impolite society in the Big Easy.
The women who had extorted money were always shocked whe
n they discovered that they were no longer invited to parties. To balls. Not even to birthday parties or bat mitzvahs. The elite of New Orleans could be a closed and unforgiving society.
They had played a trump card that could be played only once. They had thought they’d turned a profit, but their vision was short range and short term. It wasn’t long before they had learned they’d extorted money from the wrong family. But by then, it was too late. Their fate was already sealed.
They were now pariahs in Louisiana high society, and that was a fact that would never change.
“What are we going to do?” Diana asked.
“Anything and everything. We want to surprise you.”
“What kind of a surprise?”
Marcus could hear the tension in her voice and could tell that she was trying to sound casual. With a certain effort he tried to make himself be calmer than he really felt.
He’d never dreamed that there would be so much riding on a single weekend with a woman. He’d been with countless girls, but this time it was different. This time she could mean all the difference in the world…and in his life.
“The first thing we have to do,” Marcus said, leaning forward so that he could look at his twin brother, “is get her some acceptable clothes. I don’t want my woman dressed in anything less than perfection.”
He liked the way “my woman” tasted on his tongue when he spoke it. He especially liked the way Diana suddenly sucked in a breath and held it for a moment when she heard him say it.
This day is going exactly as I had hoped. He took Diana’s hand in his own and gave it an affectionate squeeze. It’s hard to imagine how complete my need of her is.
* * * *
“Ahhh,” the owner of the boutique said with delight upon seeing who had entered her establishment. “Mr. William and Mr. Marcus. It’s been so long. But look! Look at the beautiful flower you have brought with you!” Her French-Cajun accent was thick, and only a little theatrical.