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Diana Finds Ecstasy in the Big Easy (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12
Diana Finds Ecstasy in the Big Easy (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read online
Page 12
The buzzing in Diana’s ears was so loud she couldn’t actually hear what the waitress was saying. She felt disoriented, as though she’d been drinking.
When the waitress left, Diana tilted her head up and then looked both of the brothers in the eyes.
“Tonight I get to write the rules,” she said quietly, the words tumbling out between her lips before she had the chance to think about them. “I’m scared, so I want to be in charge.”
William leaned closer and said, “Tonight, we’re in charge. And if you think we’re not, I’m going to put you over my knee and spank that beautiful ass of yours until it’s bright pink.”
The breath caught in Diana’s throat, and though she tried to remain calm, her pulse throbbed in her veins like never before.
Chapter 12
“Wait,” Diana said less than an hour later, her tone breathless despite her previous attempts at levity. “When I was talking earlier, I was only teasing.”
She put her right hand behind her back in a comically rather futile gesture as self-defense. A strong, broad hand wrapped around her slender wrist. When she started to look behind her, fingers laced through her hair then clenched into a fist. Her wrist was raised slightly, making it necessary for her to lean over the balcony railing.
She gasped, feeling the sting of strands of hair being tugged against her scalp. The dominating hand held her so that she couldn’t look anywhere but down at the slowly moving crowd of people on Bourbon Street.
Diana wasn’t afraid, but she knew that she had taunted the men about their social clout, teased them regarding their sexual power, and defied the deVille twins as much as she could without there being painful consequences. Well, not truly painful consequences.
She knew with rock-solid certainty that she was about to pay a price for her defiance. The anticipation of that consequence was like an electrical charge going through her system. She wasn’t entirely certain of what she had just started, but she did know that she didn’t want to stop it until the moment had run its course to completion. This wasn’t some sporting event someone like Diana would leave at halftime.
When she put her left hand defensively behind herself, it, too, was taken hostage by a much larger, and infinitely stronger, hand. An instant later, her wrists were placed one over the other at the small of her back and held by a single, powerful hand. She was forced to lean even farther over the balcony railing.
I’ve pushed them too far this time. This time they really mean it.
An instant later something smooth was being wrapped around her wrists then cinched tight. It took a couple seconds before Diana realized that there was a silk necktie now wrapped around her wrists. In seconds, the necktie was knotted securely.
She was looking down at the people milling about Bourbon Street, one of the most visited cities and streets in all of the United States, and now she had her hands tied behind her back by two of the most eligible and wealthy bachelors in the country.
“This can’t be happening to me,” she whispered. It took several seconds before she realized she’d said the words aloud. She hadn’t intended to. “Please,” she said, her voice hushed as she squeezed her eyes tightly shut. “Please tell me you’re not going to fuck me with all these people watching.”
But the sound of her own words—especially hearing the F word spoken aloud by herself, and with a breathy, unmistakably sensual inflection to it—made the nectar of her passion instantly flow to the lips of her pussy. She wasn’t just ready for penetration—she ached for it. A dull, hungry, throbbing ache that could only be satisfied by a deVille cock…or two. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut.
She felt the hem of her silk dress being lifted as the hand in her hair loosened its grip. When she opened her eyes, she looked down at Bourbon Street. Some people were looking up at her, but not many. Only the tips of her toes were still touching the balcony floor of the deVille twins’ luxury apartment in the Big Easy.
Two feet slipped between her own, and then one kicked sideways. In an instant, Diana’s feet were spread wide, and for several seconds, she teetered on the toes of her high heels, unsure if she could actually keep her feet beneath her. She tested the silk surrounding her wrists and found that there was no give at all to the necktie. Beneath her stomach, the iron railing surrounding the balcony was solid, unforgiving.
“Redlight,” Marcus said, his tone low. “That’s your safe word. Do you know what a safe word is?”
After some hesitation, Diana replied, “Yes. But I’ve never needed one before.”
Both brothers chuckled, and William replied, “You do now.”
She knew that there were a thousand words that she could and should say, but she couldn’t think of any of them. She suspected that she should experience nothing less than pure outrage that the deVille brothers should tie her wrists behind her back and bend her over a balcony’s railing while pulling her dress up—all while knowing damned well that they’d demanded she go out for the evening commando—but somehow outrage wasn’t really the emotion uppermost in her consciousness.
I’m going to come the instant one of them puts his cock in me. But who will it be? I won’t know unless one of them says something.
The thought of not knowing which brother would be fucking her was very nearly as erotic as anything they’d ever done to her. Bound, helpless, exposed to an anonymous crowd that might or might not understand or actually see what was happening to her, not knowing which gorgeous deVille brother was going to thrust his cock into her—these were all things that had never before slithered across the surface of Diana’s forbidden or conventional sensual consciousness.
“What a beautiful ass.”
William spoke the words, but an instant later, when two broad palms spanked each cheek of her bottom, Diana knew that she hadn’t been struck by one of them but by both of them. They spanked her with equal intensity, and the sharp cry of surprise that she issued drew the attention of several of the people on Bourbon Street four stories below.
She saw pale faces looking up at her. The expressions were quizzical. Both men and women were curious as to what was happening on the top floor balcony. They didn’t know the facts, but they were curious as hell. Diana gave her head a shake so that her hair would obscure her face. What if someone should take a picture of her with their smart phone?
Then she felt the conical head of a large cock nudge the lips of her cunt, and her anxiety level ratcheted up into the stratosphere.
She shook her head vigorously this time, making sure that her ebony locks completely hid her face. The last thing on the planet she wanted to be was the next viral Internet sensation.
The long, slow insertion of an iron-hard cock into her wet-and-willing pussy caused her to gasp, her mouth opening wide. Annoyingly, strands of her hair entered her mouth with the sharp inhalation.
I’ve got a cock inside me, and I don’t know whether it’s William’s or Marcus’s.
It was a reality she could hardly comprehend but one that she couldn’t deny.
“Fuck,” she whispered. Guilt over speaking the F word had, by this time, been kicked to the curb. She decided she had much bigger character flaws to worry about than an intemperate tongue. “Who is fucking me?”
Whichever of the deVille twins it was, he pushed in that extra, orgasmic half-inch to fill her oh-so-completely, and even though this was the first time during this encounter that he’d reached full insertion, Diana began to shiver as powerful, climactic contractions went through her. Balancing on her toes, with her stomach against the balcony’s railing, she clenched her teeth to keep the screams of ecstasy from escaping. Her eyes were open but her vision glassy and blurred as she looked down at the crowd of hundreds while many of them looked up at her, not knowing for certain what was happening. She was sure that some of them must be able to guess with some degree of accuracy what was happening to her at that moment, and that was something she didn’t want to dwell too long upon intellectually.
She ha
d recently come to the conclusion that there were times in life when a little self-deception wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.
“Stop,” she said softly, sincerely. “Please. Just for a few seconds, at least. That climax was…amazing.”
“Redlight?” She couldn’t tell which of the brothers had spoken.
“No, no, not that. I just need a few seconds. I’m not used to amazing.”
After she had said amazing a second time, it seemed such an insignificant word for what she had just experienced. She inhaled deeply, trying desperately to compose her senses. “I’ve never felt like this. Never so”—she struggled to find the right word—”vulnerable.” A few seconds ticked by, and then she added with more honesty than she had intended, “Or so horny.” She couldn’t ever remember saying the word horny aloud. Never in her life.
I probably shouldn’t have admitted that. The deVille twins damned sure don’t need any encouragement. They’re already too confident.
There were several more agonizing seconds of silence, each one of them tearing holes in Diana’s psyche. She didn’t feel guilty at what she had allowed to happen, just surprised. She’d never before realized that the right man—or men, in this case—could bring this kind of sexual hunger out in her.
“Who,” she heard herself ask, “just fucked me?” And then, when there was total silence from the two men behind her, she said, “I’ve got to stop saying the ‘f’ word. I never used to say it.” With little conviction, she added, “It’s you men. You make me say things I shouldn’t say.” And do things I shouldn’t do, she thought, though she couldn’t find the courage to put words to such a bold-faced lie. But then again, I never used to get my hands tied behind my back, get tossed over a fourth floor balcony railing, and then get fucked into oblivion while who knows how many people look up at me while I enjoy one of the fiercest climaxes of my life.
Through the hazy fan of the ebony black hair that hung over her face, she looked down at the people on Bourbon Street. What had previously only been, perhaps, a dozen people looking up at her had transformed. Now there were several hundred people—maybe more—looking up at her, each of them no doubt wondering what was happening to that woman who was bending so precariously over the railing of a fourth floor balcony.
She felt the long, slow withdrawal of an impressive erection sliding out of her. Diana closed her eyes and sighed. The friction was bliss itself. She told herself that soon this bizarre encounter would be over, but she wasn’t certain what emotion this awareness caused.
But then, almost the instant she was aware that two powerful, muscular legs were no longer between her thighs another pair of legs was between them. She was still bent over the railing with her dress bunched up beneath her bound hands at the small of her back. She blinked several times to clear her vision and came to the conclusion that the people down on Bourbon Street could see her, but not the men behind her.
She saw the flash of smart phones taking photos of her. But she was four floors above Bourbon Street. How far would those flashes go?
She was breathing deeply, not yet having completely descended from the astonishing heights that the last orgasm had driven her to.
He didn’t come. Whichever brother just fucked me into ecstasy didn’t come. He’s not finished. He’s going to want more.
She would have given this thought more consideration, but an instant later, the crown of another deVille cock was forcing the lips of her pussy to separate, and the mind-boggling pleasure that she had thought was in the past was suddenly very much in her present.
Very much.
It was a softly spoken question that was completely ignored by the man she’d spoken it to. When she felt herself being penetrated yet again—and once again by a man whose identity she couldn’t confirm with certainty—Diana promised to herself that she would never again allow herself to be so vulnerable.
Or not. The experiences these men were foisting upon her were creating sensations and climaxes she could hardly fathom. Where else, she wondered, could they take her? What else could they teach her? How many dark desires could they make her lust after?
“Are you going to make me come again?”
She hadn’t really thought the words were going to escape her mouth, but they had, and once they had, there wasn’t anything she could do but live with the reality of them.
The cock slid deeper into her pussy, filling her, fulfilling her.
“Oh God, you’re going to make me come, aren’t you?”
“Mmm-hmm,” was the masculine reply.
She couldn’t tell whether it was Marcus or William behind her, pleasuring her, giving her the sensual release that she hungered for. Their voices were too similar, especially when they made only noises instead of distinctly spoken words. There was an eroticism in not knowing which of the twins was fucking her that Diana couldn’t deny. She was being ravished, and it was the sexiest thing she could imagine.
She looked down at Bourbon Street, seeing all the faces—male and female—looking up at her, and as the cock that invaded her pussy reached its final destination and she was filled to overflowing, she began to come again. Beneath her, the flashes of smart phone cameras were like the twinkling of white Christmas tree lights.
The contractions were so strong she thought she was going to explode. Not just figuratively explode but literally. She clenched her teeth, her lips pulling back in a grimace of eroticism as she struggled mightily to not make so much as a single sound while the intense waves of ecstasy pulsed through her.
With the faces of a hundred strangers looked up at her as, bound and pummeled by powerful, thrashing hips and a hard cock that filled her completely, she had an orgasm that drained her of all her strength.
She did not scream aloud, but she could hear her own exclamations of raw ecstasy in her mind, ringing loud and clear. She realized that she both wanted the whole world to know just how magnificent it was to live through what she was now experiencing and just how necessary it was to keep what she was doing a complete secret from everyone on the planet.
She shook her head again to make sure that her hair would completely obscure her face. Many people were taking photos. Even if she didn’t make a sound, and even if whichever of the deVille brothers behind her couldn’t be seen by anyone on the street, surely someone would deduce why she was bent so far over the railing with her arms behind her back, that she was rocking in a way that suggested someone was behind her, and that certain someone wasn’t just playing solitaire.
Once again, there was the long, slow withdrawal of a hard cock exiting her pussy. Diana made a soft sound of disenchantment. She felt empty without one of the deVille brothers’ cock filling her, thrilling her. It didn’t matter which one she had inside her, only that she had at least one of them.
But what if she had not just one of them inside her, she asked herself, but both of them?
Another shiver zipped up her spine, but this one had equal measures of lustful curiosity mixed in with marrow-deep fear. The deVilles were big men…and not just across the shoulders. While she had experimented with anal penetration with her own fingers on occasion while she was alone in the shower, the deVilles were one hell of a lot bigger than her own two fingers.
By a long shot.
“Come on. Let’s get inside.”
William’s voice brought reality rushing back. She’d never before realized just what a forbidden sensual fantasy could be like, but now she knew what was possible, and as exciting as it was, the possibility frightened her more than just a little.
She felt William’s hand around her arm, just above her elbow. He pulled her to a standing position so that she was no longer bent over the iron balcony railing. Diana immediately gave her hips a twist to get her dress to once again drift down her legs to modestly cover herself.
“You can’t want more—” she began.
“Quiet,” William said sharply. After a beat, he added, “Yes, we can. Trust me on this on
e. Yes, we can.”
To Diana’s surprise, rather than continuing what she had hoped would be her tirade, she immediately stopped talking.
“We need her inside,” Marcus said to his brother. “Now. We’re getting closure tonight. She’s ours, and we’re hers, and that’s that. And the sooner she accepts that fact, the better for all of us.”
They held her by the arms, just above the elbows, and ushered her from the semi-public balcony to the very private living room of their shared apartment.
“Down,” William said. It was a command, not a request.
“But—” Diana managed to say.
Then Marcus was behind her with his hands on her shoulders, and he was pushing her down onto her knees, her hands still tied behind her back, her body basking in the afterglow from the multiple orgasms that they had induced. These men were either demons or pagan gods possessing the power of provoking in a woman ultimate satisfaction.
She was distinctly aware of the plush carpet beneath her knees and the necktie knotted around her wrists. She could feel her breasts, unbound, trembling with her movements, the silk a caress to her sensitive, lust-hardened nipples. For a moment she closed her eyes, tilting her face downward.
They can’t be serious about the three of us all being together permanently. They’re thinking with their balls, not their brains. People in the deVilles’ elite society just don’t get in menage love affairs with women who have never known anything other than money worries.
She felt the warm, spongy head of William’s cock touching lightly against one side of her face while Marcus’s tapped against the opposite side. A small sob caught in her throat. She’d never been dominated like this.
But with the deVille twins, there was something unimaginably, wickedly erotic about submitting to their commanding personalities.
Having her hands tied behind her back and being on her knees added immeasurably to her arousal. In her mind’s eye, she could see herself exactly as she was at that very moment, and fresh honey moistened her sex. She had already experienced two orgasms in a very short period of time, yet she was already anticipating the next.