Diana Finds Ecstasy in the Big Easy (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 13
These men make me greedy for climaxes. The thought nearly made her come once again. The deVilles kept her at a tinder pitch. They made her ravenous for all the orgasms that had been denied her because of her lovers’ lack of skill.
“Diana…” William said quietly, “you know what to do, and you know that we’re right when we say you’re meant for us…and us alone.”
She sighed then tilted her face upward. There were two cocks touching her face, each swollen, fully engorged, magnificently formed, utterly impressive. Each had pleasured her into a climax recently. Each looked…delicious.
Now it’s my turn to make them come. Both of them. And they won’t be satisfied with just one climax. Not tonight, they won’t.
William threaded his fingers into Diana’s hair. He didn’t clench his hand threateningly, as he had earlier, but he did pull her nearer so that her face was pressed to the fabric of his trousers, the shaft of his cock was warm against her cheek.
“Suck,” William commanded. “Suck until I tell you to stop.”
He pulled her head back briefly, and a moment later, her jaws were forced to open wide while her eyelids drifted dreamily shut of their own volition. Her soft, feminine sigh of contentment was matched by William’s masculine groan of pleasure. Diana could taste the essence of her own passion on the hard flesh that filled her mouth, and it excited her because it reminded her of the desire she had so recently received from the solid manly flesh that now wedged her tongue to the bottom of her mouth.
Diana didn’t have to bob back and forth. Both William and Marcus had fingers laced through her hair, holding her securely. William was pumping his hips slowly, pushing his hard arousal between her lips until the crown of his cock was wedged against the back of her mouth, threatening to enter her throat. He held her motionless on her knees, not letting her relieve the pressure as she squirmed, struggling against her body’s natural resistance to invasion.
“Ours,” William said as he withdrew, easing the discomfort, allowing Diana to once again breathe normally.
Diana inhaled deeply several times through her nostrils, recovering her composure as best she could in what little time she had before William thrust forward once again, not stopping until she was struggling to keep from choking on his manhood.
“My turn, brother,” Marcus said, tugging on Diana’s hair.
Diana was relieved to turn her face sharply to the side to get William out of her mouth.
The relief was short-lived because, a moment later, the crown of Marcus’s cock was flattening her tongue to the bottom of her mouth. She tightened her lips around the shaft, just behind the ridge of the head, and drew a strong suction on the succulent flesh.
“Awww!” Marcus groaned.
The sound was music to Diana.
Diana closed her eyes, trembling softly. She was on her knees with her hands tied behind her back, kneeling between two gorgeous men who had earlier stated unequivocally that they wanted her as their One and Only. She felt dizzy, as though she’d been drinking martinis, though Diana knew that alcohol wasn’t the cause of her emotional whirlwind.
She tilted her head back on her shoulders, her mouth still filled lewdly to the max, and looked first at Marcus and then William as they gazed down at her.
Could they really be serious in wanting to share me—and not just tonight but for all time?
Chapter 13
“I’ve heard you’ve seen something that might be of interest to me,” Geary said quietly, leaning over the bar and keeping his voice low so that he could speak to Julie without anyone else hearing him. “Something that you’re willing to talk about.”
Julie gave him a look, and he realized how silly his comment was. There wasn’t anything that Julie wasn’t willing to talk about, provided she could either make some money or damage someone’s reputation. He knew precisely the kind of woman she was. It didn’t surprise him, and it didn’t dismay him. She was what she was. Not much in this world shocked him anymore.
She shrugged her shoulders. It caused her breasts to jiggle a little, but Geary tried to ignore her bosom—at least for now.
“I see a lot of things,” she said after several seconds of silence. “But remember, you can’t always believe what you hear.”
She’s not a quick thinker. That may be a good thing or a bad thing. But she talks too much. Whatever I tell her will be gossiped about twenty minutes after I leave this shithole of a bar.
“Perhaps you’d like to tell me what you’ve seen?”
“Perhaps you’d like to pay me to tell you about what I’ve seen?” Julie replied instantly.
She’s not as dumb or slow-witted as I’d thought, Sam decided.
A customer several bar stools down from where Geary sat rapped his knuckles on the much-scarred mahogany bar, indicating he wanted another beer. Julie inhaled deeply in annoyance—an action that caused her breasts to rise and then slowly return to their normal posture—much to Geary’s pleasure.
“I’ll be right back,” Julie said.
Geary watched her, wondering whether Julie could be an asset to his cause or a hindrance. He had an instinctive distrust of women. He liked to fuck them, but he never liked to do the wild thing with them too many times because they always got clingy and possessive. But Julie might be different. She might have information regarding those deVille sons of bitches that he could use to his own advantage. And if she coveted their fortune as much as he did, then she could possibly be of assistance to him. Later on, after he’d secured his own portion of the deVille family fortune, he could figure out how to derail her plans of filling her bank account by emptying it into his own. But for now, he decided, he had to concentrate on learning how to use her as an ally.
I’ll fuck her first, and then I’ll fuck her over. She won’t realize what kind of a stupid cunt she is until after it’s too late.
He was smiling as she began walking back in his direction after fulfilling her professional obligations.
“You’re suddenly in a good mood,” she said, returning his smile. She stepped directly in front of him and put her elbows on the bar, putting her pretty breasts out there for Geary to look at as long as he wanted to. No covert glances were necessary. If he wanted to stare, her demeanor said she was perfectly fine with it. It was Julie’s version of a sales pitch, Geary understood, and it didn’t offend him a bit. “I think we’ll make a good team. Did I tell you how I watched Diana fuck Marcus and William at the same time? Right there on the pontoon boat. Of course, they were way out on the river, but that’s what binoculars are for, right?”
Geary felt a sudden tightening in his chest. The deVille twins fucking one woman—and at the same time? The public would fucking freak out when they found out what kind of degenerates the entire deVille clan were! The Old Man so besotted he couldn’t run the company and two of his sons getting their jollies out in public with one low-life trash whore from the bayou.
“I want you to be more specific about what you’ve seen, but I think,” Geary said quietly and, with some effort, lifted his gaze from Julie’s cleavage up to her eyes, “that you and I might find ourselves sharing a mutual cause that will benefit us both quite profitably.”
“I’m not real sure what the hell you just said, but if it means what I think it does, then you’re going to have to be a patient man for about another hour.”
Geary’s brow furrowed. “Oh?”
“In an hour it’ll be dark outside. Then I can take you out to the back parking lot and give you the best blowjob you’ve ever had in your life.” She gazed at him with a flirtatious smile. “Some people seal the deal with a handshake. With you, I want to seal it with a blowjob. I’m guessing that you won’t mind.” She leaned closer, and in a voice so soft he could barely hear it, she added, “You strike me as a man virile enough to need blowjobs often.”
She’s playing me like a violin, and I don’t give a damn if she is or isn’t. No woman has talked to me like that in ages.
* * * *
“Are you guys serious? Truly serious?” Diana asked, though it was really more of an accusation than a question. She was standing in the middle of the apartment’s living room while William struggled to unknot the necktie that surrounded her wrists.
“Yes, we are,” Marcus said, his cock still at half-mast, even though Diana had, while on her knees and bound, sucked him into two draining climaxes. She now realized that it was naive of her to assume two climax-inducing blowjobs, one after the other, would be enough to sexually satisfy him. “The sooner you accept certain simple truths of your new life, the easier this transition is going to be for all of us.”
Diana felt the moment William finally got the knot loosened in the necktie. In the end, he had to use his teeth to get the necktie unknotted. It had been erotic to have her hands tied behind her back and to sensually wallow in such complete submission, but it was also a relief to be freed from the bondage. There was something very exciting about being tied up, but there was something frightening about it, too.
“There were a million people on Bourbon Street taking pictures of us,” Diana said. “What’s it going to be like when those pictures hit the Internet?”
“First off,” William said sternly, “there weren’t a million people out there. Secondly, they couldn’t possibly see either Marcus or myself. Also, they were four floors beneath us, which means the flash on their cameras most likely didn’t reach you. Those flashes are only good for fifteen feet. Twenty, at the most. Lastly, that thick, beautiful hair of yours undoubtedly covered your face. A lot of pictures were taken, but not one of them will show your face.”
“You tied me up, pushed me half over a railing, then took turns fucking me while all of New Orleans watched,” Diana said quietly. “I didn’t even know which one of you I had inside me.”
“Are your point is…?” William teased. Diana shot him an angry look, and he smiled in reply.
“New Orleans is much more than just Bourbon Street,” Marcus said, his logic impeccable and thoroughly infuriating to the recipient of his dismissive attitude. “Only Bourbon Street watched, and three-quarters of the people on that street are half in the bag when they’re there.” He smiled. “It limits the number of witnesses considerably, don’t you think?”
Diana reached low, grabbed her dress by the hem, and pulled the garment up and over her head. She dropped it casually to the floor then stood naked in front of the deVille twins. The fact that they both stopped breathing for a moment did wonders for her self-confidence.
“I need a shower,” she said, looking in turn at each of the men. “And I don’t mean to sound like a high-maintenance, needy bitch, but I’d appreciate the hell out of it if there was a martini waiting for me when I finish my shower.”
She walked to the bathroom, swaying her hips just a bit more than was natural with her stride. She could feel the hungry stares of the two men in the room.
She’d never felt so confident in her life.
* * * *
“You’re absolutely certain that you saw Diana having sex with Marcus and William? That seems pretty daring for the deVilles,” Geary said. “They’re all bastards, but they protect themselves and their brand name twenty-four-seven.” He combed his fingers through his hair. “They guard their reputations the way a mama grizzly bear protects her young.”
Julie didn’t like the way this conversation was going. When she had brought Geary into the back parking lot after nightfall, her hope was that she could negotiate some kind of a deal with him regarding the acquisition of a portion of the deVille fortune. She figured he had some scheme going where he was going to get his hooks on some of the deVille billions. He was, after all, one of the key executives in the multi-national corporation. That meant that he had money of his own, which wasn’t a bad thing, but the important factor was that he most assuredly had access to was inside information regarding deVille businesses. That was what Julie really wanted. She considered Geary nothing more than small fish, when she compared him to one of the deVille siblings. But if she had to fuck Geary to get her hooks into one of the deVille brothers, it seemed to her a trifling price to pay. She’d fucked and sucked men she hardly knew for one hell of a lot less than whatever a portion of the deVille fortune would net her.
Maybe a hand job with Sam will be good enough. She immediately discarded the idea. Men as greedy as Sam Geary considered a hand job as insignificant as a handshake. Neither one meant a damn thing to men like him, though both were nice gestures.
“Tell me what your plans are,” she said, keeping her voice low. They were standing between two parked cars in the back lot of My Place, but there were still cigarette smokers milling around the rear door, so they weren’t alone. None were paying her or Geary any attention, and that was just the way she wanted it. “You’ve got a plan against the deVilles, and I want in on it.”
His eyes narrowed with suspicion. A moment of apprehension went through Julie. She didn’t trust Sam—hell, she didn’t trust anyone—but she might profit by him, and that meant that she had to stay in his good graces.
“Why should I tell you anything?” he asked.
“Because I can help you get your piece of the deVille family fortune,” she said, looking him straight in the eyes. “And I’ll suck your cock anywhere, at any time, if you help me get my fair share of that goddamned deVille money. You may need to bribe people, and won’t it be more cost effective to have me on my knees sucking cock instead of you tapping into your bank account?” Even in the darkness of the poorly lit back parking lot, she saw the effect her words had on him. It showed in his expression. His body had immediately become tense. “So if I ask you a question, do you promise to be honest with me?”
“Well, that’s honest enough.” She saw him smile, and she knew his defenses were down. “Are you sure you want to hear the question?”
“Then be honest with me. Would you rather come in my mouth or come on my face?” She put a hand out and fondled his crotch. “The choice is yours. If you come on my face, you’ll be the first. I’ve never let anyone else do that.”
The look in his eyes let Julie know that she’d corralled Sam Geary, and whatever scheme or secret plot he had for siphoning off some of the deVille fortune would, from that point forward, include her.
* * * *
The shower head was approximately the size of a dinner plate, which was about five times bigger than any Diana had ever before experienced. The spray of hot water that cascaded down on her was nothing less than heavenly and seemed endless. At home, she always had to hurry or the pathetic water heater would run out, and then she’d be rinsing off soap in cold water.
She’d had to rinse in cold water more times than she could count. It was the life she knew.
She turned away from the spray then arched her back so that the water struck her scalp. I could sooo get used to being treated like this all the time. Everything in Marcus’s and William’s life is top shelf. Everything in mine is bargain basement. They shop at Harrods in London while I shop at the Dollar Discount Store in New Orleans, and that’s only when I can make it into the city and I’ve actually got a few dollars in my purse.
She poured shampoo into her palm then began massaging it into her scalp. The scent of the shampoo was glorious. She had looked at the label, but she didn’t recognize the name, and she couldn’t pronounce it.
Don’t think about the things that you haven’t got. The deVille twins are yours for now. Enjoy them while you’ve got them because the odds are you won’t have them for long. They’re both the love-’em-and-leave-’em type, aren’t they?
If she was at home, and spending this much time in the shower, her father would be beating his fists on the door, telling her that she was “clean enough for the likes of you” and that she was “wasting too goddamn much hot water” and that “hot water ain’t cheap, you know!”
But I’m not at home. She rinsed the soap out of her hair. I’m in
a small but beautiful apartment on Bourbon Street, with two men who treat me like a goddess and tell me that they want me for all time. For all time…not just this weekend.
She picked up the bar of soap from the tray and massaged it very gently over her pussy as the heated water spray cascaded against her shoulders and rolled down her back.
I’m a little sore. The thought made her smile.
Never before had she had sex so much that she was sore afterward.
Was it fucking or was in making love?
Don’t think about that too much, she told herself sternly. Whatever it was I got from the deVille twins, it was better than anything I’ve ever known.
The bar of soap felt gentle against the lips of her pussy. Smooth and slippery and soothing. It wasn’t that either of the deVilles had been rough or violent with her. They’d just been physical. They were virile men, and they’d lusted for her with a masculine kind of passion that she’d never before experienced. That was why she’d climaxed as hard, as fast, and as often as she had. It was just that their dimensions, and their physicality, were entirely new to her.
It’ll take some time to get adjusted to their size.
Such a wicked woman I must be! To be sore and yet wondering when next they’ll want me! And I’ll give myself to them. No matter when or where. I’ll give them whatever they want.
These were opinions that had never before entered Diana’s consciousness. When she thought about what she had just realized about herself, it shocked her, but she wasn’t dismayed.
The deVilles inspire wantonness. They make me want to live without inhibitions.
She closed her eyes as her right hand, holding the bar of soap, slipped around her hip then began soaping the crease of her ass cheeks.
They’re both so big. She soaped her back entrance. It would hurt so much to take one of them back here.