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  • Diana Finds Ecstasy in the Big Easy (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 14

Diana Finds Ecstasy in the Big Easy (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read online

Page 14

  The thought sent a shiver of passionate hunger through her body.

  It would hurt. But there was more passion and anticipation in the thought than fear.

  Still holding the bar of soap, she eased a single finger into her ass.

  Her knees nearly buckled from the ecstasy one slender finger sliding into her forbidden passage had caused.

  She heard the bathroom door open. Her heart froze for a moment, and she withdrew the digit from her bottom.

  “Who just came into my bathroom?” she asked, hoping her tone sounded distinctly imperious, though suspecting it fell far short. Her passion was at a tinder pitch. The urge to slide a soapy finger into her bottom again throbbed in her brain, but no longer being alone, self-pleasuring that way wasn’t an option.

  “I think you already know the answer to that.” She recognized Marcus’s voice.

  I knew they weren’t finished with me. She battled against the urge to let out a yelp of joy. Oh, my, what are they going to want next?

  The glass shower door slid open, and Marcus stepped in, forcing Diana to take a step backward. Her gaze went from his face, which was hard-set and determined, then down to his cock, which was angling sharply upward and appeared to have all the flexibility of steel.

  “I didn’t invite you,” Diana said then realized just how ridiculous that statement was.

  William stepped in and, with his shoulder, pushed his twin brother slightly to the side. He, too, was sporting an erection with the rigidity of a hunting weapon akin to a spear.

  Oh God, Diana thought, though she kept the words to herself because if she was certain of anything, it was that deities weren’t going to be personally involved in her near future.

  “You’ve got to see things our way,” Marcus said. “I know it’s unconventional, but the three of us were meant to be together. Even if we have to hide the fact that you’re in love with two men, and my brother and I have to hide the fact that we’re in love with the same woman, that shouldn’t change anything about the way we feel about each other.”

  “It’s odd, it’s quirky, but it’s the way the three of us are,” William said as he slipped his arms around Diana’s waist, pulling her toward him so that she had no choice but to feel the force of his erection against her stomach. His cock was warm against her belly, pinned between their naked, wet bodies. “I know it won’t be easy, but no one man can make you as happy as my brother and I.”

  Diana closed her eyes and tried to think rationally. Sex was one thing, but making an emotional commitment was something else entirely different.

  “You’re rich and you’re famous and you can have any woman or women you want,” she said softly as the spray of the shower rained down upon her. “Why me? You’re filthy rich, and I’m stinking poor, and I don’t want anything from you. Why me?”

  “You not asking anything from us is an aphrodisiac.” Marcus’s lips were at Diana’s ear. She could feel the warmth of his breath when he spoke. She could feel the unyielding strength of his cock between the cheeks of her ass. “It’s your unselfishness that makes my brother and me need you so selfishly.”

  She looked into William’s eyes. She saw his sincerity. He agreed with everything that his twin brother had just said.

  William moved so that he blocked the shower spray from Diana. He touched her face softly with his fingertips while the crown of his arousal rubbed against her sensitive abdomen.

  Diana wrapped her fingers around the shaft of his cock and whispered, “Oh.” And then, several seconds later, added, “God.”

  She rubbed the crown of his erection again her lower stomach. She resisted the urge to sink to her knees so that she could suck on the man she adored.

  But he was only one of the men she adored.

  That was a reality not easily or comfortably accepted.

  “So beautiful.”

  That was Marcus speaking. He was standing behind her, sliding his soapy hands along the cheeks of her ass. His cock—long and hard and magnificently erect—was now between her thighs.

  I knew it would be Marcus. Diana felt his throbbing erection sliding between her thighs. He’s the one who’s going to want my ass. I always knew it.

  She turned her face, and William’s lips sealed over hers. She opened her mouth, inviting his deeper exploration, and trembled when his tongue began dancing with her own.

  I’m selfish. I love two men who are both gorgeous and treat me like I’m a princess. They’re more than two women can expect, yet I’ve got them all to myself. How lucky can one girl get?

  What happened next became something of a blur to Diana. She found herself trapped between two bodies—each distinctly masculine, powerful, and overtly predatory—and though everything in her instincts told her that she should be afraid, her passionate emotions suggested something quite the opposite.

  She was much shorter than either of the men who sandwiched her between them. An instant later, Diana felt the head of William’s cock pressing against the entrance to her pussy while, at the same time, Marcus’s bulbous crown—slick with soap suds—was nudging between the cheeks of her ass.

  When both men straightened their legs, their cocks began to enter Diana’s body.

  “Oh fuck!” she gasped, particularly when she felt Marcus’s cock push past the natural resistance of her back entrance. There was a stab of pain when he first entered her taboo passage. “Fuck!” she said again, feeling distinctly unladylike for her language while cavalierly dismissing the intemperance of her behavior.

  An inch of lust-hardened flesh slipped between her cheeks and then another. Diana clenched her teeth against the pain, but she kept any words of protest to herself.

  A garbled word came out of her mouth. Even Diana didn’t know what it was supposed to be.

  Nothing—nothing ever!—had ever felt like this. To have William’s cock in her pussy and Marcus’s cock in her ass, each man filling her so completely, was more than Diana could comprehend.

  She had known passion before, but nothing that she’d ever before experienced could prepare her for the thrill of being double penetrated by the deVille twins. The pleasure-pain was unlike anything she had imagined. The men grabbed each other’s wrists to better brace themselves, and then when they thrust upward, their strength was doubled, their slippery, soapy bodies tight against Diana’s curvaceous one.

  Diana felt William’s pelvis press against her own at the same time that Marcus’s pelvis was tight against the cheeks of her ass. She was lifted up on her tiptoes, filled beyond comprehension, and started to scream.

  The first orgasm, Diana thought, was more than she could take. Nothing ever could prepare her for the ecstasy of being filled so completely, so rapturously, by both of the deVille twins—at the same time! The sound of their labored breathing was the most erotic music Diana had ever heard. Lean, magnificently muscled masculine bodies writhed against her, each man straining, struggling to give her his all, neither man wanting to leave anything back.

  When this encounter was finished, Diana knew that her lovers wanted to have nothing left.

  That was the kind of men they were. They gave their all, or they just didn’t play the game.

  Pleasure and pain mixed and mingled. She couldn’t say with any certainty when or where one sensation ended and the other began.

  The second time she climaxed, it was even more powerful than the first. She was aware of Marcus and William laboring as they pleasured her, plundering her body, but what she felt more than anything else was the strength of the men surrounding her, and the long, slick slide of their masculine flesh either withdrawing from her or impaling her so deeply that she was lifted up onto the tips of her toes. And sometimes, she was even lifted off her feet by the force of their thrusts.

  Diana’s body was lax, her legs weak and only marginally containing her weight, when Marcus and William at last came, ejecting their seed once again deep inside her. And when they were spent, when their passion had at last run its course, they lean
ed against Diana, each breathing deeply, their bodies still inside her, her body trapped between them.

  “I give in,” Diana whispered, her cheek against William’s chest. She was breathing deeply. She couldn’t remember how many times she had climaxed. “I give up. I can’t fight you. I’m yours now. Yours for all time.”

  Chapter 14

  “Yes…yes…yes…of course, and thank you,” Marcus said into the telephone. “And you can rest assured that you’ll have a nice…um…bonus coming to you very soon.

  “Who was that?” William asked.

  “Papa taught us all to have a few spies on the payroll, just so that we know what’s really happening in the company.”

  William looked at his three brothers and was something more than mildly pissed off that his own spies—which he paid handsomely—hadn’t come to him with whatever news his twin brother had just been given. He didn’t want to be competitive with his twin, but he knew he was, but then, William was competitive with all of his brothers, and with the rest of the world.

  He didn’t like taking second place to anyone—not even another deVille. He paused for a moment’s deliberation. Especially not to a deVille.

  Marcus sat down at the dinner table. He glanced over at the butler, who nodded discreetly and then left without a word. There were only the deVille brothers left in the room.

  “That was my man in engineering,” Marcus began. “He’s a good engineer, but more importantly at the moment, he keeps his eyes and ears open and his mouth shut. Anyway, he was having a beer the other day over at My Place, and he overheard a waitress talking with our man Sam Geary.”

  William heard the sudden intake of breath from several of his brothers. Geary was one of the top men in the company, and there weren’t a lot of company plans that he didn’t know about.

  “Spill it,” Jared, William’s oldest brother, said sharply. He was almost always the most impatient of the deVille siblings.

  “Sorry,” Marcus said. “It seems that Geary has figured out that Papa is really only, well, in charge of the company, from about eight a.m. to ten or eleven. He knows that if our clients and our competitors discover that our father isn’t in charge, we’re going to lose one hell of a lot of clout.”

  William watched as Jared inhaled deeply then let out a slow, hissing sigh. “Damn. We—the four of us in this room—can enter just about any boardroom on this planet and get respect, but that’s only because everyone we talk to thinks that they’re talking to Papa though us. When I talk to some government official of Germany or France, it isn’t my word he’s taking. It’s Papa’s word.”

  “What can we do to defend ourselves?” Marcus asked. “We’ve tried to get help for Papa in the past, and he’s resisted it completely.”

  “I’ll think of something,” William said. He watched as his brothers all turned toward him. “Just give me some time. I’ll figure it out.”

  “Damn, little brother,” Jared said. “I believe you will. I know that I’m the oldest, so I’m supposed to have all the answers, but this time I think you’re going to be the one to pull the rabbit out of a hat.”

  William had never felt more proud of himself than at that moment when his older brother had shown such faith in him.

  Now all I’ve got to do is not disappoint everyone I’ve ever loved.

  * * * *

  They haven’t shared this room since they were little children.

  Diana stood at the doorway leading to the balcony, looking back into the room that had been a nursery for William and Marcus. Now they’re going to share it with me.

  She looked at the bed. It was a king-sized bed with a solid oak frame and a headboard and footboard that had obviously been hand carved by craftsmen who knew what they were doing.

  She wondered what it must have been like to grow up in the deVille family mansion, with maids and butlers and cooks and servants scurrying everywhere to make sure that everything was “just so.” She could hardly imagine such an existence, but for Marcus and William, it was all they’d ever known. For them, they couldn’t imagine anything less.

  There was a part of her that wanted to resent them for their wealth, a part of her that wanted to envy them for their wealth, and a part of her that just wanted to love them for the men that they were.

  The deVille brothers—two of whom she considered quite possessively as her men—were having a meal downstairs in the formal dining room. Though William and Marcus had introduced her to their older and younger brothers as “our girlfriend,” she hadn’t been included in the dining list. Diana wanted to pretend that being excluded didn’t really mean anything, but she knew it did—and it rankled her more than just a little bit.

  She closed her eyes and recalled how William had introduced her to his older brother. Even though Diana had met him several times, William was very formal and polite. For her part, Diana was achingly aware of the fact that she was wearing a very sheer silk dress and that she wasn’t wearing lingerie. Fear, not lust, made her nipples tighten and only made her braless condition so much more visible to Jared and James.

  A family emergency is a family emergency, Diana told herself. I can’t expect to be included in everything they talk about. Not yet, anyway.

  She told herself that she should be happy that they’d brought her along back to the family’s antebellum mansion rather than either leaving her in the Bourbon Street apartment or tossing her in a limousine and having her driven back to her own home.

  She turned her back to the spacious bedroom and looked out onto the back lawn of the estate. A slight breeze fluffed the front panels of her baby doll pajamas. Her deVille lovers had bought them, of course, and she’d wanted to be especially pretty for them when they returned from whatever “emergency” they were dealing with.

  I shouldn’t cater to them so. It was a fleeting thought. Yes, I should. They do everything they can to see to it that I’m happy, so I should do the same for them.

  On impulse, she hurried to the bedroom and stepped into a pair of stiletto slippers with a bit of fluff across the toes.

  If the brothers hadn’t wanted to see me in them, they wouldn’t have bought them. She could feel her confidence blossoming.

  Turning to the full-length mirror in the corner of the bedroom, she looked at her reflection, and the breath caught briefly in her throat.

  The baby doll was black but see-through and trimmed in red lace. When she took a step closer to the mirror, she could see her areolas. The G-string panties covered what was essential, but that and only that.

  Diana knew in her heart that, without the deVille twins, she never would have been bold enough to wear such lingerie. She could be a little bold at times, but these men inspired her to be positively daring like she could hardly believe.

  She stepped back out into the sitting room of the bedroom and hurried over to the liquor cart. It was stocked with whiskeys and scotches, vodkas and tequilas, and in one of the two ice buckets, there were several different types of canned beer. It was obvious to Diana that the servants knew what the twins liked.

  But what do the servants think of me? The fact that I’m sharing this bedroom with both of them has got to be common knowledge to them by now.

  She could picture, in her mind’s eye, the servants sitting downstairs, whispering heatedly about the “bayou girl” that the twins had come home with.

  Would they openly mock her? Would they show their disrespect for her for her wanton behavior?

  Never, Diana thought an instant later. There was no question in her mind that Marcus and William would never tolerate that kind of behavior being directed toward her.

  The bedroom door opened suddenly, and Diana wheeled around toward the sound.

  My God they’re gorgeous men.

  She watched Marcus and William enter the bedroom, each man in a suit and necktie, looking similar but not identical.

  “Is there still a problem?” she asked. All they’d told her was that there was a “problem” that they and t
heir brothers “had to deal with” right now before it becomes “a goddamned nightmare.”

  “Yes,” Marcus said, pulling loose his necktie. Diana noted that, despite the anxiousness she saw in his eyes, his gaze roamed very slowly and appreciatively up and down over her lingerie-clad form. “But the deVille boys will figure some way out of it.”

  “Sit,” Diana said, pointing toward the long sofa resting against one wall. “I’ll fix you some drinks, and then you can relax. And if you want to tell me anything, you can, and if you don’t want to tell me anything, you don’t have to.”

  William looked at his brother and said, “Is it any wonder we both fell completely in love with her?”

  Diana felt her heart tighten at the comment, and though for a second she almost sobbed at the declaration of love, she did not. This was most definitely not the time to get weepy and emotional, she told herself. Whatever her lovers had just been through had been difficult as hell, and what they needed was TLC, not emotions run amok.

  “Pick your poison,” Diana said, walking over to the liquor cart, doing everything she could to pretend that she wasn’t scandalously dressed—or was she underdressed?

  “Whiskey on the rocks,” William said.

  “The same for me, but after that, I’ll stick with beers,” Marcus said. “Lots of beers, by the way.”

  Diana looked over her shoulder, directly into Marcus’s eyes. In a sultry purr, she said, “Tonight, you can have whatever you want. Guaranteed.”

  Marcus closed his eyes, sighed softly, and combed his fingers through his hair. His shoulders sagged.

  He’s exhausted. They both are. Whatever the hell is going on has got the whole family tied up in knots.

  She made the cocktails and handed them over, pretending as best she could that she wasn’t wearing the revealing lingerie that they’d bought for her. She noted that both men paid significant attention to her when she bent at the waist to hand them their libations.

  The men, she noted with some degree of pleasure, sat on each end of the sofa—which, of course, made the invitation to sit between them quite unmistakable. There may be a family emergency, but that didn’t mean she was invisible—especially not in the gossamer-thin and therefore quite see-through baby doll pajamas they’d bought for her. She was fairly certain—as in like 100 effing percent certain—that the G-string panties they’d bought didn’t exactly put much of a damper to the flames of their desire. The lingerie made her feel more naked than if she was actually nude. They certainly made her feel sexier than if she was completely naked.